Great Sankey Primary School

Oak Tree- Year 5/6 2023 - 2024

Mrs Williams

Mrs Franklin

Welcome back Oak Tree Class!

We hope you have all had a lovely Easter spending time with family and friends and the children are ready for our Summer Term – the last one for our Year 6s.

If there are ever any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch. The support you give is essential for your child's progress and the closer we can work together, the better it will be for them. Finally, don’t forget to follow our class on twitter @OakClass_Sankey for regular updates.

Best Wishes,

Mrs Frankin & Mrs Williams


Curriculum Overview:



In maths, we will be looking closely at calculating the perimeter, area and volume of various regular and irregular 2D and 3D shapes before completing a unit on statistics which will include reading and drawing various graphs and charts before our Y6s complete their three maths SATs in the week beginning Monday 13th May. Then, our Y5s will continue to develop their mathematical understanding of position and direction and a detailed unit on measuring, calculating and estimating angles in various shapes. 


  • In English, we are going to be reading Berlie Doherty's 'Street Child' - a fantastic true story of a boy in the Victorian Times. We will be focusing on selecting relevant and thoughtful vocabulary and using correct grammatical structures to write a variety of pieces of writing including diary entries, letters and balanced arguments. Then we will be watching an animated story called ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ which we will use as a stimulus for a short narrative piece of writing.


  • In Reading sessions, we will continue to improve our skills with particular focus upon discussing and answering questions using our inference skills, understanding unfamiliar vocabulary and around the author's viewpoint and their use of devices to engage and support the reader. Children will be encouraged to answer in detail and use the text as evidence.

Science  sciencesubject(2).png

  • Our Science focus this term is Evolution & Inheritance, the children will be finding out about how living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago. They will discover how living things produce offspring of the same kind and identify how animals and plants have adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.

Geography                                           GLOBE.jpg

 Our Geography topic for this term is ‘How are our coasts changing? This topic looks at effects of coastal erosion and plastic pollution on coastlines in the UK / around the world.   Children will learn about the structure of the coasts of the UK and other coasts around the world and how their shape and geography have changed over thousands of years.


History                  history banner.JPG

In History, we are investigating whether the Vikings would do anything for power and money. We will be studying the Viking era closely – looking at their daily life, invasions and battles.

Additional Messages:


In may 2024, children in Y6 will complete their statutory end of key stage assessments known as SATs. The children will be tested in Reading, Maths and Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling with Writing being teacher assessed in school. The tests will take place the week beginning 13th May 2023 so we ask that any holidays or time off is not taken during this month. An information for parents giving further details was held last term and a timetable will be sent out to you in the first week of the Summer term to confirm arrangements. SATs Booster sessions will also continue to take place up until SATs. 


Please make sure that you read regularly and get an adult to read with you and sign your planner at least three times a week. You can read your school reading book, an own book, newspapers, comics, etc.


Spellings will be taught and practised throughout the week and tests will take place each Thursday with  new lists posted on Google Classroom each Friday. 


For this term, Outdoor PE (Tennis) will be on Wednesdays and Indoor PE (Dance) is on Fridays.  Once again, the children can come into school in their school PE kits on these days - a T-Shirt in their house colour and black shorts / joggers / leggings and trainers - with all hair tied back and jewellery removed. Please make sure these PE uniform guidelines are adhered to as last year we started to notice a few football shirts etc starting to creep in. It is important the children look as smart in their PE kits as they do in their uniforms. Thanks for your support with this. 


Homework will be posted on Google Classrooms each Friday and should be returned by the following Thursday. Homework will consist of a Maths activity and an English activity linked to the unit of work they are covering in class, so they should be able to complete the activity independently. 

Some useful websites, resources and links: - Spelling Frame - A great, interactive website to give you chance to practise your spellings in a variety of different ways. - Times Table Rockstars. Use this website to practise your times tables, battle with your band mates and keep your arithmetic skills up to scratch!


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Great Sankey Primary School
Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1SB
Mrs Lisa Wilding | Headteacher 01925728176
Mr Phil McEwan | Chair of Governors
Mrs Nia Williams | SENDCo
Great Sankey Primary School

A member of
The Challenge Academy Trust