Great Sankey Primary School



From September 2014 changes were made to how schools assess children’s progress and attainment. The National Curriculum requires that schools give Age Related Expectations (ARE) for each year group. Here are the bands which we will refer to when reporting your child’s attainment:

WTS – Working Towards the Standard (This means that your child has not met all of the objectives within the Age Related Expectations for that year group and therefore cannot be awarded this standard.)

ARE – Age Related Expectations (This means your child is working within the standard for their year group)

GDS – Greater Depth Standard (This means that your child is working at greater depth of the age related expectations for that year group)

It is important to note that these three bands are vast and there will be some children working at the lower end of each of the standards and some at the top end. For example two children may be awarded ARE, but one child may just have made it and be at the lower end, whereas another child may be working at a higher level of this standard. 

We will report your child’s progress and attainment during parents’ evenings and on the end of year reports. When reporting attainment, we will refer to the three standards.

Further information on assessment and on end of key stage SATs can be found on the Powerpoint by clicking on the document below. 

Assessment schedule for 2022-23

Consideration has once more been given to the assessment and reporting schedule for the school. Pupils in Year 3 will participate in the CAT4 digital assessments in September to establish a clear baseline for the start of their Key stage 2 journey.  At two further points in the year, (January and June), teachers will continue to gain knowledge of the pupils' ability in maths and English using standardised tests. From these, end of year targets will be established, current attainment and progress reported on and and pupil catch up programmes put into place where necessary.  Low stakes quizzes, effective questionning and classroom observations will continue daily to inform teachers of pupils' abiity to remember, use and apply key knowledge and skills across all curriculum subjects.

Pupils in Reception will be assessed using our baseline tool to establish their starting points early in September.


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Great Sankey Primary School
Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1SB
Mrs Lisa Wilding | Headteacher 01925728176
Mr Phil McEwan | Chair of Governors
Mrs Nia Williams | SENDCo
Great Sankey Primary School

A member of
The Challenge Academy Trust