Great Sankey Primary School

School Admissions

Moving schools / In-year transfer

In-year transfer applications are those applications requesting a transfer from one school to another outside of the normal admissions rounds, for example when a family moves address part way through a school year. 

If your request for an in-year transfer is not because of a change of address or relocation from overseas, you are strongly advised to think carefully before you apply. Problems your child may be experiencing may not go away simply as a result of a change of school.

Click here to take you to Warrington's In-Year School Transfer page.

Once you have spoken with the school admissions team, the Headteacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team at our school will be happy to arrange a visit for you and your child to come and look around. 


lIf your child is refused a place at any school for which you have expressed a preference, you have the right to appeal against the decision to an Independent School Appeals Panel. This applies where the school is community controlled, a faith school or an academy. Please click above for more information. 

Full details of the school's appeals timetable and over subscription criteria can be found in the Admission Arrangements policy

School Admissions (Reception)

The Challenge Academy Trust is the admitting authority for Great Sankey Primary School and must allocate places in accordance with its determined admissions arrangements. 

In line with LA Policy, the school has one intake into Reception class in the September of each year.  The school academic year runs from 1st September to 31st August and children are admitted in the September prior to their fifth birthday.  Our official admission limit is 45.

Upon confirmation of a school place for the start of the next academic year, parents and carers are invited to a welcome meeting in the Summer Term to discuss their child’s transition. Here, they will have the opportunity to meet the Headteacher and Reception teaching and support staff.  Parents will be able to visit classrooms and have a look at examples of activities their children will be engaged in.  It is an informal, enjoyable event where parents and carers can meet others whose children will be starting school at the same time.  Children have the opportunity to visit their new class and meet their new teacher and classmates during the Summer Term before they are due to start school.

We hold annual Open Mornings & Afternoons in the Autumn Term specifically for parents of school children due to be admitted in the next academic year and these are published on the home page of the website once dates have been finalised. These involve a Headteacher presentation and a tour of the school.  

Further information on the Local Authority Guidelines for intake to Reception in September or in-year transfers and admissions can be found using the link below. The local authority is responsible for co-ordinating all admissions to the school. All relevant forms can also be found using the same link:

Click here to take you to primary admissions.

Or contact:

School Admissions Team

1 Time Square

Email: [email protected]

School Admissions (secondary)

The majority of our learners transfer to Penketh High School with some also leaving us to go to Great Sankey High School and St. Gregory's High School. We work very closely with all high schools across a number of areas with the primary focus on a smooth, effective transition for our pupils. All requests for a secondary place must be completed by midnight on the 31st October. Click here  to take you to the secondary admissions page for Warrington schools. 


Nursery Admissions

For further information on applying for a place at Great Sankey Nursery School please click the link below:

or contact Mrs Bolan on 01925 728176


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Let's Connect
Great Sankey Primary School
Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1SB
Mrs Lisa Wilding | Headteacher 01925728176
Mr Phil McEwan | Chair of Governors
Mrs Nia Williams | SENDCo
Great Sankey Primary School

A member of
The Challenge Academy Trust