Great Sankey Primary School

School Meals

School meals are prepared on site in the school kitchen. Our school cook, Sophie Lynn is available should you wish to speak to her about any specific dietary need your child may have. Please call in at the main office or telephone the school number to speak to her.

School hot dinners cost £2.60 per day. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a free hot dinner every day. Children can select their lunch at home with their parents using the Arbor app or during morning registration. They have the choice of two hot meal options (including two vegetable choices), a selection of sandwiches or jacket potatoes. Children can have as much as they want from the salad bar and there are always fruit choices as well as a fruit bowl to select from.

Should you wish to send your child with a packed lunch, please make sure that it has their name and class name written onto the bag.  We encourage healthy eating at school and for that reason we do not allow children to bring sweets, chocolate bars or similarly unhealthy snacks. Nuts or products containg nuts (such as Nutella spread) are also not permitted due to some children having allergies. We ask that children bring water or fruit juice for their lunch, no fizzy drinks.  

We take part in a number of events to promote healthy eating and letters will be sent home to promote this.

We actively promote and encourage good eating habits and do this in a number of ways, including:

  • Eating in the school hall with the children. This is to encourage good manners, eating habits, looking at the quality of food being served and the interaction between the children.
  • Encouraging the children to experiment with some new foods. We ask our children to 'have a go' and try all food.
  • Local suppliers are used.
  • Meal choices are managed by the TCAT and GSP Catering Teams to ensure the children get a balanced meal. Children all have the choices of two vegetables and a salad bar each day and are encouraged to put some on their plate to try.
  • All packed lunches are encouraged to be healthy with no sweets, chocolate bars or fizzy drinks allowed.
  • Tap water is widely available to all children and they are encouraged to keep hydrated.
  • The dining room is spacious, clean and attractive.
  • Queuing times are kept to a minimum with children only brought into the hall when it is their allocated time slot. Lunch is staggered so that the hall does not become over crowded.
  • All children stay on site for lunchtime (unless there is a specific reason given to the Headteacher)
  • Children sit with their friends to encourage a social dinner time.
  • Lunch time is structured to ensure that children are not rushed when eating as well as having plenty of time to take part in lunchtime games and play.
  • Our youngest children come into the hall first while it is less crowded and quieter, also giving them the maximum time to eat their lunches.
  • Teachers will often eat their lunch in the hall with the children.
  • Menus are displayed on our website.
  • Lessons support learning around healthy choices and nutrition.
  • Gardening club and our Nursery grow fruit and vegetables.

See the links below for our Summer lunch menu which will run until October half term.

Week 1 - WC 2/09/24, 16/09/24, 30/09/24, 14/10/24

Week 2 - WC 9/09/24, 23/09/24, 7/10/24

Alongside these main choices, the children also have daily access to a salad bar, jacket potatoes with various fillings, cold pasta salads, fruit, yoghurts and cheese and crackers. 


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Great Sankey Primary School
Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1SB
Mrs Lisa Wilding | Headteacher 01925728176
Mr Phil McEwan | Chair of Governors
Mrs Nia Williams | SENDCo
Great Sankey Primary School

A member of
The Challenge Academy Trust