Great Sankey Primary School

Pine Tree - Year 5 2024 - 2025

Mr Waters

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Welcome to Pine Tree Class

I hope you have all had a lovely summer break and are ready for an exciting year ahead. To begin our school year, the whole school transition topic will be ‘Together we Learn and Grow’ which will culminate in our exciting whole school trip to the Ice Cream Farm.

On this page, you will find some useful information about the term ahead and any key messages that you need to be aware of.  If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you will see our class Twitter feed and instructions for Google Classroom. We love to use Twitter to share some of the excellent things going on in class and will use Google Classroom to support learning at home - spellings, homework and useful documents will be uploaded and made available on there.  If you are on Twitter, please follow @pinetreeclass to see regular updates.

We are set to have a great term and have some really exciting things planned and lots of new things to learn about.  If there are ever any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch, either by popping in or telephoning.  The support you give is essential for your child's progress and the closer we can work together the better it will be for them.

Kind regards

Mr Waters

Curriculum Overview:





Our Maths topics for this autumn term will focus heavily on number, place value and the four written calculations and it is imperative that children are supplementing this work with basic skills practise at home. Please encourage the children to use their log in for Times Table Rockstars regularly at home to ensure they know all the multiplication and division facts accurately and rapidly as this knowledge and recall will be hugely beneficial this year.



In our English lessons this term, we are continuing to work on our knowledge of punctuation and grammar, with a particular focus on being able to extend our sentences through the use of different clauses. All of our writing across the year will be inspired by high quality texts and children's literature and we will be starting the term off with some writing linked to the story Star of Fear, Star of Hope by Jo Hoestlandt. Where possible, we will try to link our spellings in class to our writing also. We will be completing daily whole class reading sessions to develop the children’s reading stamina, pace, understanding of vocabulary and comprehension skills alongside individual reading sessions where each child will be heard to read by an adult bi-weekly. Alongside everything we do in school, it is incredibly important that children are reading a variety of texts both fiction and non-fiction regularly at home and recording their comments in the planners. The planners need to be in school daily and to be signed at by an adult regularly. Finally, the children will need to focus on using spelling strategies and rules consistently to ensure they spell a variety of common and uncommon words accurately. They need to be practising their spellings regularly at home. Please see the spelling strategies document to support your child learning their weekly word lists at home.



We are scientists!

In our Science lessons this term, we look at the two topics of 'Forces in Action' and 'Earth and Space'. Throughout their lessons, children will explore the forces of gravity, air resistance, water resistance, and friction as well as looking at levers and pulleys before moving on to learning about our solar system, orbits of the moon and the Earth's rotations. 


In our History lessons, we will be studying the enquiry question 'How did the steam engine change the world?' with a focus upon the Industrial Revolution and its impact upon our town and the wire industry. We will continue to use a range of historical skills, including looking at different historical sources including using our knowledge of our local area. 


Our Geography topic for this term is ‘Where on Earth does it come from?' This topic looks at the use of land around the world (including farming), trade links and the distribution of natural resources including food. Children will look at where commonly used resources come from, how they travel and how land is used differently. As part of the topic, children will plot on a world map where foods they eat have travelled from and they are always quite astonished at just how far many of our foods travel to reach our dinner plates!



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Additional Messages:



Please make sure that you read for at least 10 minutes everyday.  This can be your school book, own book, newspapers, comics, shopping list etc and record in your planner.


Spellings will be added to Google Classroom on a Friday afternoon and the children will be tested the following Friday.  Spellings will focus on particular spelling rule/pattern each week and we will also be looking at words taken from the statutory word list.  These will be taught and practised throughout the week. 


The children will have indoor PE on a Monday and outdoor PE on a Friday.  The children should come to school wearing their PE kits.  PE kits should be a house colour t-shirt, plain black shorts/ joggers/leggings and a plain black jacket/jumper.  Please remember to tie long hair up and make sure no jewellery is worn.


Homework will be set on a Friday and this should be returned by the following Thursday.  Homework will consist of a maths activity and an English activity linked to the unit of work they are covering in class, so they should be able to complete the activity independently. 

Some useful websites, resources and links: - Spelling Frame - A great, interactive website to give you chance to practise your spellings in a variety of different ways. - Times Table Rockstars. Use this website to practise your times tables, battle with your band mates and keep your arithmetic skills up to scratch!



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Pine Tree - Year 5: Calendar items

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Our mission and Vision
We Learn
and Grow" Learn More
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Great Sankey Primary School
Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1SB
Mrs Lisa Wilding | Headteacher 01925728176
Mr Phil McEwan | Chair of Governors
Mrs Nia Williams | SENDCo
Great Sankey Primary School

A member of
The Challenge Academy Trust