Great Sankey Primary School

S.E.N.D Information


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Special Eductional Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator - Mrs Nia Williams  


Every child is different and we celebrate and embrace this at GSP. Our aim is to cater for each individual's needs in order for them to reach their potential and develop a positive self-image, regardless of ability. We treat our learners in ways that take account of their varied life experiences and needs. 

First, high quality teaching takes place in every class that is differentiated according to the needs and abilities for all the children.However, there are some children in our school community that experience difficulties with their learning. We recognise that they may need additional support and/or equipment that is different from the rest of their peers. 

We work closely in partnership with parents and carers to ensure that our children, regardless of any additional needs and disability, develop the attitudes, behaviours and


skills to enable them to learn.

Identifying children at SENS (SEN Support)

Children with SEN are identified by one of the three assessment routes all of which are part of the overall approach to monitoring progress of all pupils:

  • The progress of every child is monitored at termly pupil progress meetings. Where children are identified as not making progress  - despite accessing Quality First Teaching -  they are discussed with the SENDCo and Head teacher and a plan of action is agreed.
  • Class teachers are continually aware of children’s learning. If they observe a child, as recommended by the 2014 Code of Practice, is making less than expected progress, given their age and individual circumstances, they will seek to identify a cause.  This can be characterised by progress which:
    • Is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline
    • Fails to match or better the child’s previous rate of progress
    • Fails to close the attainment gap between the child and their peers
  • Parents sometimes ask us to look more closely at their child’s learning. We take all parental requests seriously and investigate them all.  Frequently, the concern can be addressed by Quality First Teaching or some parental support.  Otherwise, the child is placed at SENS on the SEN register.


Although the school can identify special educational needs and make provision to meet those needs, we do not offer diagnoses.  Parents are advised to visit the Addvanced Solutions website seek support, information and advice paddvanced-solutions-logo.pngrior to work closely with the SENDCO to complete a referral to various outside agencies who can offer assessments to further support the identification of children’s specific learning needs. These agencies include:


  • Educational Psychologist
  • Visual and auditory support team
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Speech and Language support service
  • School Health Advisor
  • Early Help team
  • Child Development Team


Working with Parents and Children

parents and teachers.jpgWe aim to have good and informative relationships with all of our parents.  If a child is experiencing difficulties, parents will be informed either at Parents’ Evenings meetings (autumn and summer terms) or during an informal meeting to discuss the child’s progress.  It shouldn’t come as a surprise to a parent to learn that their child is being identified as having SEND.  Once a child has been identified as having SEND, the class teacher and/ SENDCo will invite the parents to a meeting to:

  • Formally let them know that their child is being placed on the SEND register
  • Discuss assessments that have been completed
  • Agree a plan and provision for the next term and share IEP if appropriate

This is part of the graduated approach cycle of “Assess, Plan, Do, Review” required in the Code of Practice.

Depending on their age, interest, the child may be invited to attend all or part of the meeting.  Records are kept of these meetings and copies are available to parents.  Thereafter, parents and children are invited to a meeting at least each term to review progress made, set targets and agree provision for the next term.  In the summer term, there is an annual review of the child’s progress.


Our SENDCo, Mrs Williams, works closely with staff to support with the writing and monitors the implementation and impact of these individual learning plans ( IEPs). 

If you have any questions with regards to any areas of S.E.N.D and how we plan for, identify and make provision for our children, please read our school offer, policy and information report in the first instance or contact the School office to speak to our SENDco. 

Click here to read Warrington's local offer

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Alongside supporting the cognition and learning of children with addiitonal needs at GSP, we also aim to support all children's social, emotional and mental health as we strongly believe that children need to feel happy and safe to learn. Across the whole school every day children are given 10 - 15 minutes of mindfulness time to gather their thoughts and have a moment for themsleves - this can include activities such as yoga, dance, colouring, listening to music, drawing, breathing exercise - the list is endless. Our PSHE curriculum also supports children in their development of various values including; resilience, perseverence, tolerance and awareness.  Finally, Miss Leah works tirelessly to support children's pastoral needs and is also now a trained ELSA - Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. See the Supporting Children, Supporting Families leaflet below for more information.                



If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Williams via the school office.

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Let's Connect
Great Sankey Primary School
Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1SB
Mrs Lisa Wilding | Headteacher 01925728176
Mr Phil McEwan | Chair of Governors
Mrs Nia Williams | SENDCo
Great Sankey Primary School

A member of
The Challenge Academy Trust